Temp the scales

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This is a temporary document indended to house nformation about the numerical scales used in Sagatafl. RAther than there being one scale, there are actually several slightly differentones.

Value Attribute/Stat Spell or
Enchantment Level
Value Power
-4 No ability -4 -4
-3 Almost no ability -3 -3
-2 Little ability -2 -2
-1 Exceedingly disabling -1 -1
0 Very Low 0 Village or Dispersed Community 0
1 Low Cantrip or trivial Enchantment 1 Impossible for passive Powers Town or Parish 1
2 Below average Minor Spell or Enchantment 2 Minimum for all passive Powers, and for most active Powers as well City or County 2
3 Human norm Medium Spell or Enchantment 3 Megapolis or Region 3
4 Above average Major Spell or Enchantment 4 Small Nation 4
5 High Grand Spell or Enchantment 5 Common maximum for passive Power Medium Nation 5
6 Very high Wonder Spell, or Artifact Enchantment 6 Absolute maximum for passive Power Large Nation 6
7 Extremy high (Possibly Mythic Enchantment) 7 Continent 7
8 Famously high 8 Very great Power Level Planet 8
9 Human genetic maximum 9 Inner Solar System 9
10 10 Mythic Power Level Entire Solar System 10
11 11 Galactic sub-Sector 11
12 12 Galactic Sector 12
13 13 Galactic Super-Sector 13
14 14 Galactic Region 14
15 15 Galactic Slice 15
16 16 Galaxy 16
17 17 17
Value Attribute/Stat Spell or
Enchantment Level
Value Power
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